
العنوان: New York, Queens
الموبايل: 003055554446
الهاتف: 004055554456
سكايب: agency_skype
موقع الكتروني:
نحن نتكلم: English, Spanish, Chinese, Hebrew
ساعات العمل: 08-16:30
License: THN365894AX45L
الضرائب لدينا: 19%
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معلومات عنا

Real estate development, or property development, is a business process, encompassing activities that range from the renovation and re-lease of existing buildings to the purchase of raw land and the sale of developed land or parcels to others. Real estate developers are the people and companies who coordinate all of these activities, converting ideas from paper to real property.[1] Real estate development is different from construction, although many developers also manage the construction process.

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    العنوان: New York, Queens
    الموبايل: 003055554446
    الهاتف: 004055554456
    سكايب: agency_skype

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